How to save energy

16 November 2020
How to save energy
Whether it's home shopping, or when you go out and take care of yourself, buy smartly to feel good about yourself. What happens: bought something and then found cheaper in another store, your new bag gets 30% promotion a week after you buy it. As it annoys expensive buying, please doing it at the best price. Here's how!

At home

The Universe of Energy
The invoice arrives and keeps your mouth open: "how do we spend so much?". If you want to solve the exorbitant account problem, start by reviewing the contracted power you have, maybe it's bigger than you really need and downloading it can be a solution. Both in the contract and in any invoice that receives the power appears in kW, to know if it is the appropriate follow these steps:

  • Add the power (kW) of all the higher power appliances have and run at the same time.
  • Add a 1kW margin for lighting and small appliances.
  • Choose the tier above closest to your total.

When you have to change appliances and lamps, do not hesitate, switch to low consumption ones.
It's a classic that never fails. A+++ appliances are the ones that consume the least, and the recommended lamps are LEDs. In addition there is a million advice to save energy at home, at the end of this article we refer it to a specific.


Did you know that every degree that increases in heating is an extra consumption of 7%? Yes, we recommend that while you are not at home and at night, keep an acceptable temperature of 15º, never more than 17º, and even when you are at home, do not put at more than 20º or 21º. Do not turn off the heating, it is more expensive to heat a room than to maintain a constant temperature. If you can, take the opportunity to replace your old windows with better insulated ones, you can change the bill a lot at the end of the month! And also have some good curtains and a good carpet.


  • For starters, use the discount cards you have: they almost always give you a discount or an advantage, and don't feel bad about buying in four different supermarkets: we all do it and it's no secret that one has this or that cheaper and the other has the meats and cakes you like.
  • Compare. There are considerable differences by product, location and promotions. With good eye can save up to 30%.
  • Make a list in advance,only of products you need. It is normal to also have spontaneous purchases, take a good look at the prices and choose correctly.
  • In terms of food choose fresh and seasonal products and do not leave aside the white brands of preserves or dairy products, there are some great! Always see the expiration date.
  • When choosing cleaning products, be determined and bet on smart and effective products. Sometimes paying a little more pays off because they also last longer. Good examples of this are Fairy, and Ambi Pur,their formulas are different, more powerful and effective than those of other products destined for the same purpose, because they are the result of years of unstoppable research and innovation. For us are our products Safe Value, because we know that when buying them the result is always in good and there are no unpleasant surprises. Also, do not forget that when it comes to certain purchases, the cheap comes expensive, and it has certainly happened to you.
  • Look at the small print and confirm the amount of product in the container, not just choose by size.
  • Beware of 2x1 and 3x2 promotions,think about whether you really need one more item and if the price pays off.
  • Always have your coupons handy. Do not miss the deadlines, print them and always carry them in the bag, when paying you will see that your bill decreases considerably.

And for the rest...

  • Beware of spending in the pharmacy: take into account that there are drugs of identical composition, but with very different prices, depending on the brands.
  • Always be attentive to online offers and promotions,especially restaurants, shows and fashion shopping, there are more and more discounts on the Internet that you can enjoy.
  • Restrict the use of credit cards and term purchases. They're not always good. promote waste and motivate interests.

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