6 Tips to avoid being fooled by contractor

17 November 2020
6 Tips to avoid being fooled by contractor

The first is that the best defense is to be very well informed and plan the most simple and extremely thorough refurbishment. Never rush to sign a contract to avoid being deceived by a contractor.

1-Budgets: never anticipate or pay cash

Before contacting a company you should know exactly what you want. Be wary of the contractor who offer the cheapest budget. You could be delaying him by omitting contract services. Also be wary of what you ask for the most expensive budget.

When you meet with contractors about budgets, ask them for photographs of previous projects and ask about the costs for starting the works and the budget for the final.

Another tip to avoid being scammed by contractors is to ask if you can pay suppliers directly when you have to advance money for materials. Never pay cash. Schedule all services and payments in writing in the budget. Article by article, percentage the percentage. For each step, a performance. Never prepay a service and before making the final payment make an inspection of the work. If there are errors or any pending repairs, always register in writing. Avoid contracts or even verbal correctanswers.

If the contractor asks you for money upfront without which you don't do the work, be wary. It may be a sign that you are in a financial breach situation and need your money to pay off debts, and if so, you will need another project to start with yours.

2 - Warning signs to avoid being deceived by a contractor

These are warning signs that you should be aware of to avoid being deceived by a contractor. If a company refuses to provide you with references and credentials and offer amazingly long guarantees, be wary. I am careful if you are offered a special price or a reduction in cost in exchange for signing the contract or for an initial fee. Refuse a contractor who does not give you a detailed written budget or who offers you a seemingly too good proposal to be true.

3 - Guarantees

It is an important recommendation to avoid being deceived by a contractor: as owner of the work, you can withretain 5 to 10% of each invoice until the end of the term of the work warranty (five years). The big obstacle you're going to face is that this retention greatly penalizes the contractor who will get the money frozen. Alternatively, offer you a bank guarantee in which the bank will serve as guarantor. Please be aware that banks only sign these contracts to companies that offer bank guarantees.

4 - Confirm credentials

Any company will have to have an office where it can go knocking on the door. Be wary of anyone who gives you only a mobile phone contact and also who has personal emails and not the company itself.

Another tip to avoid being deceived by a contractor is to confirm the company's license: if you have it active, it is a sign that you have the taxes regularized. You can confirm this information on the Website of the Institute of Construction and Real Estate.

5 - Make file

It's another defense strategy to avoid being deceived by a contractor: make a file from the first contacts to the completion of the project. Keep track of all phone calls, conversations, and exchanged emails. Make copies of the contract, budget, change requests and correspondence exchanged, both with the company, and between the contractor and suppliers. Record the progress of the work with photographs. This aquivo can serve as evidence if problems arise during or after the completion of the work.

6 - How to deal with a possible fraud

In the event of an incomplete service or if you notice an error, you will need to complain. First try to solve the problem directly with the contractor. Expose the problem via registered letter with acknowledged receipt. Keep a copy of the letter and records. Then contact Deco (Consumer Protection Association) for help in mediating the conflict.

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