6 Essential care to be taken with your pool water

15 December 2020
6 Essential care to be taken with your pool water

Maintaining pool water quality is essential to avoid health problems and reduce unnecessary maintenance costs. A clean pool with transparent water is ideal for bathers to enjoy their moments of relaxation and fun. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention if the water is well taken care of.

To help you on this mission, keep reading and discover 6 precautions to keep the pool water in good condition at all.

1. Regularly clean the walls and edges of the pool

The first thing bathers look at before falling into the pool is the state of the edges and walls. Therefore, one of the first precautions that should be priority on your list is the periodic cleaning of these items. There is a special product called edge cleaner that does not contalate the pool. Cleaning should be done once a week with a soft brush or sponge.

On the day of cleaning the edges and walls, the time can be optimized for the application of algicida, which prevents water from getting cloudy or green. It is recommended to use 5ml/m³, and not apply on the same day of the application of chlorine, if it has copper in its chemical composition.

2. Control the pH of the water

A pool that has very high pH causes irritation of the eyes and skin. The ideal pH level is between 7.2, and 7.6. It is also important to maintain the alkalinity of the pool, and it is possible to check and adjust these two factors at the same time. To measure, have a good colorimetric kit and good professionals to assist you. Measurements must be made before any chemical is added to the water.

3. Stay tuned for chlorine

Chlorine is a component with germicidal effect, but it can cause burning in the eyes and irritation on the skin if applied in excess. It should be applied in the pool every two days, always in the evening. This will prevent the product from vaporising. The appropriate level for the product is between 1 and 3 ppm (parts per million).

4. Clean the pump filter

It is important to clean this part as the accumulation of dirt can damage the pump. Cleaning is done by turning off the system and closing the skimmer valve on the pump. Then just drop the pump, remove the basket and empty it. This maintenance must be done at least once a month. In cases of increased use of the pool, such as in summer, the procedure can be done every two weeks.

5. Filter water

This is a daily job. Pool filtering collects solid items that are suspended in the water. This process should be done for four or eight hours every day. Filtering time varies by pool and filter type.

6. Get ready

Check how the pool is. In the case of many trees around, which drop leaves and attract many insects, it is good to schedule pruning service. Also make use of the pool for when summer is over. Also, provide a cover so that the water maintains a more heated temperature on colder days.

The cover helps prevent dirt from falling into the water and still generates savings in pools that use heating system, because the water already begins to be warm heated and requires less energy expenditure of the equipment.

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